Touchless Bathroom Faucets

Measuring the Impact of FontanaShowers Faucets on User Satisfaction

Measuring the Impact of FontanaShowers Faucets on User Satisfaction


The study conducted by FontanaShowers to measure the impact of their touchless faucets on user satisfaction involved a multi-faceted approach:

  1. User Surveys:
    • Pre-Installation Surveys: These were conducted to gather baseline data on user satisfaction with existing faucet systems.
    • Post-Installation Surveys: After installing FontanaShowers touchless faucets, follow-up surveys were administered to assess changes in user satisfaction.
  2. Feedback Terminals:
    • HappyOrNot Terminals: These terminals were placed in restrooms, allowing users to provide immediate feedback by pressing buttons that indicated their satisfaction levels. This real-time data collection helped in understanding user reactions to the new faucets​ (Fontana Showers)​​ (Fontana Showers)​.
  3. Maintenance Logs:
    • Incident Reports: Maintenance records were reviewed to identify the frequency and types of issues encountered before and after the installation of touchless faucets. Reduced maintenance incidents often correlate with higher user satisfaction​ (Fontana Showers)​.
  4. Direct Observations:
    • Usage Patterns: Observations of how users interacted with the faucets provided qualitative data on usability and convenience. This included monitoring how quickly users adapted to the touchless technology and any issues they faced.

Key Findings

  1. Increased Satisfaction Rates:
    • User satisfaction rates increased from 65% to 92% after the installation of FontanaShowers touchless faucets. The surveys indicated that users appreciated the touchless operation, which improved hygiene and convenience​ (Fontana Showers)​.
  2. Positive Feedback on Hygiene:
    • A significant portion of the feedback highlighted the improved hygiene due to the touchless nature of the faucets. Users felt more comfortable using restrooms equipped with these faucets, knowing that they minimized physical contact with surfaces​ (Fontana Showers)​​ (Fontana Showers)​.
  3. Ease of Use and Reliability:
    • Users reported high satisfaction with the reliability and ease of use of FontanaShowers faucets. The advanced sensor technology provided quick and accurate responses, reducing frustration and enhancing the overall restroom experience​ (Fontana Showers)​​ (Fontana Showers)​.
  4. Reduction in Maintenance Issues:
    • The study also noted a reduction in maintenance issues, which contributed to user satisfaction. With fewer breakdowns and maintenance interruptions, users experienced more consistent and reliable service​ (Fontana Showers)​.


The impact of FontanaShowers touchless faucets on user satisfaction was measured through a combination of user surveys, feedback terminals, maintenance logs, and direct observations. The results showed a significant increase in user satisfaction, primarily driven by improved hygiene, ease of use, and reliability of the faucets. These findings support the broader adoption of touchless technology in airport restrooms to enhance user experience and operational efficiency.

For more detailed information on this study, please refer to the sources here and here.